Dedication: Paddy Phil McLaughlin, Co

Installation Date: August 11, 2022

Village: Zaperewera
District: Blantyre
Country: Malawi

Committee: 6 women, 4 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Chair: “I feel good to be on the committee.”

Water member: “We got water from the river with the animals. We only saw God in bringing water. The animals would defecate in our water. People would bring their livestock and we would fight them. We would fight two or three times a month. Now there is peace. Everything is better with water. We built some new structures. We can wash two or three times a day. There were very few kids that went to school. Now so many of our children go to school, almost 100%. We were sick two or three times a month. There was no cholera this year in the epidemic. We save about Mk15,000 a month from not going to the clinic. We used money to buy chickens. We eat better. Food tastes better. “


2022 Photos

Map Location