Dedication: Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation in honor of Chad V. Foster

Installation Date: May 21, 2023

Village: Sokole
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:


Students: 860 learners

Familes: 32 households

Challenges Before the Water Well

  • Distance to Water Source:
    Before this well was installed, the nearest water point was 500 meters away from the school. This well was shared with the local community, causing delays and difficulties.
  • Disruptions to Hygiene and School Activities:
    Students often had to wait for parents to finish drawing water before they could fetch water for school tasks like cleaning. This caused delays in starting classes.
  • Challenges for Female Students:
    Female students, especially those who had reached puberty, often skipped classes during menstruation because they couldn’t maintain hygiene. This caused them to miss significant learning time.
  • Community Conflicts:
    The community faced tensions when women waited long hours to fetch water, leading to fights over who would be served first. This also caused suspicion between husbands and wives, resulting in social issues that required intervention.

Impact of the New Water Well

  • Improved Access to Water for School and Community:
    With the new water well, students and teachers can easily access water without long delays, improving their punctuality and productivity.
  • Better Hygiene Practices:
    The well has allowed the school to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, as students can now drink water whenever they are thirsty and wash their hands.
  • No More Missed Classes for Female Students:
    Girls no longer need to skip class during menstruation because they can stay clean with easy access to water.
  • Improved Community Relations:
    The well has eased tensions in the community, as it provides a reliable water source for 32 households, reducing the time spent fetching water and eliminating conflicts.

Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation for your generosity. You have made a huge difference in the lives of the learners, teachers, and community members at Sokole Primary School.

Your donation is helping to create a healthier, more productive environment for the future leaders of Malawi.


Map Location