Dedication: Dr. Dylan Wiliams and Siobhan Leahy
Installation Date: June 9, 2018
Village: India Primary School
District: Machinga
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 34 houses and 5 other villages
Water committee: 3 men and 7 women
At Paundi, the impact of clean water is unmistakable. During a spontaneous meeting with the water committee, the community shared how their lives have transformed. “There has been no cholera or waterborne illness in six years,” one member said. “We consume safe water, and we have gardens. Food tastes better, and the water is sweet.”
Before, families could only fetch two buckets of water a day. Now, they have all they need. Farming has become easier, and families work together without conflict. “There is no more jealousy between husband and wife,” another committee member added.
The improvements extend beyond health and relationships. With everyone contributing, bricks have been molded, houses built, and the entire area visibly transformed. Many young children, especially those six and under, are now attending school—a hopeful sign of a brighter future.
Clean water has not just sustained life in Paundi; it has elevated it, fostering growth, unity, and opportunity for all.