Ng’ombe Matowe One Junior School

Dedication: Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation in honor of Kathy A. Kelly

Installation Date: April 8, 2024

School: Ng’ombe Matowe One Junior School
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Students: 240 learners

Challenges Before the Water Well

  • Long Distance to Water:
    Before this water well was installed, the students and families had to travel two hours both ways to fetch water.
  • Water Shortages at School:
    The headteacher, Madam Charity Mimu, shared how the school struggled with water shortages. Teachers had to bring water from home for the students to drink and wash their hands, especially after using the toilet.
  • Community Tensions:
    The community faced significant challenges, as families clashed at the distant water point. Women fought over access to the water, and buckets were broken during disputes. This even led to men suspecting their wives of infidelity, as they spent long periods fetching water.

Impact of the New Water Well

  • Improved Water Access for School and Community:
    With the new well, the students now have easy access to clean water at school. The 40 households in the village can also benefit from the well.
  • Healthier Students:
    The students are now healthier, as they can drink water whenever they are thirsty and can stay clean.
  • Uninterrupted Learning:
    Water access is no longer an interruption to the students’ learning. They can fetch water quickly, allowing them to continue their studies without delays.
  • Reduced Community Conflicts:
    The well has reduced tensions in the village, as families no longer have to compete for access to water.
  • Ongoing Gratitude:
    The Village Development Council Secretary, Mr. Saizi, and Group Village Head, Mr. Ng’ombe, both expressed their gratitude for this well. The chief of the village is praying for continued strength for Water Wells for Africa to help improve the lives of people in Malawi.

Once again, we extend our deepest thanks to the Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation for this generous gift. Your support is making a real difference in the lives of these children, their families, and the entire community.



Map Location