Dedication: Ethan Galstad and Nagios Enterprise

Installation Date: August 6, 2022

Village: Naphiyo Kachingwe 1 Phalula
District: Thyolo
Country: Malawi

Water committee: 7 women, 3 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Committee Chair: Steward Duncan.  “In ten months since the borehole there has been no cholera and no diarrhea. It took just one day to build the road. We were so happy. We have plenty of clean water.”

Linda: “I would get one bucket a day. Every day we would fight for our place in line. I am the strongest one. Now I get seven buckets. I woke up at 4:00 am. Now I can go anytime. I can leave food on the fire and get water and come back. Our children were always late for school. Their grades have improved. They are working hard in class. In a month we would go three or four times to the clinic. Our families are stronger. Now we have happy families and happy husbands.”


2022 Photos

Map Location