Dedication: WWFA Donors Large and Small
Installation Date: April 16, 2023
Village: Mvunguti
District: Salima
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 83
Water committee: 4 men and 6 women
Before the well, the community endured significant hardships due to the lack of clean water. Women and children would wake at 3 AM and spend three hours digging in a stream of dirty water to collect enough for their families. Cholera was a devastating issue, causing four deaths in 2019. The clinic, located 50 kilometers away, was frequently visited due to waterborne illnesses. The impact on education was severe, with only 20 girls and 10 boys attending school. Adolescent girls struggled with hygiene, further limiting their educational opportunities.
Now, the well has transformed life in the community. Instead of spending hours fetching water, they use their spare time to create community gardens and participate in reforestation efforts. Relationships within families have improved, with spouses enjoying happier marriages. School attendance has more than doubled, with 50 girls and 20 boys now regularly attending school. Adolescent girls benefit from improved hygiene, enabling them to focus on their education and build a brighter future.