Dedication: Brittany Harris

Installation Date: April 13, 2023

Village: Mbota
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

Families: 150

Committee: 7 women, 3 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Chair: Emily Banda- “We got up so early to get water with only one bucket. It caused family problems. Now there is peace in this place.”

The ladies were singing a new song: “We were worried about water but we no longer worry. We thank Water Wells for keeping their promise. Other people have failed us.”

Emily: “Boys and girls can now come and draw water so attendance is higher. All children of the committee members are going to school. There is peace and the future is brighter. We were beaten by our husbands. We don’t quarrel anymore. We plan to build houses. Everyone said they will mold 10,000 bricks.”

The women told Kurt, “All the women were beaten 5-7 times a week for being away from home for so long.”

Song: “We appreciate Brittany for giving us water here.”


2023 Photos

Map Location