Dedication: Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation- Thomas M. Kelly

Installation Date: October 7, 2022

School: Mbalawati Primary School
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

Families: 200

Committee: 6 women, 4 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Chief Chenga: “We got water from behind the mountain. During the cholera epidemic, none of our 200 families got cholera. We have heard of many people quarantined in hospital but none here. We are so excited and grateful. We have a new school that will open in the fall. Now that we have water, we are molding bricks. This is the first school from first to fourth grades. Very few of our children go to school. It is 3km. To the trading center. The young ones cannot walk that far. We will build more school blocks as the kids grow. We used to get one bucket a day, now we get as much as we want.”


2022 Photos

Map Location