Dedication: Chad and Mandy Harris

Installation Date: December 21, 2022

Village: Makundika Malise
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

Families: 28

Committee: 3 women, 7 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Chair: Paul, Jonathan, “ We would walk 4km to draw water at a school. We are now able to have clean clothes and clean water to drink. The families are happy. Now the women are home in the morning. They used to go at 4:00 am. Now they can go anytime. We can leave our Nsima on the fire and get water. We had cholera before and people died. Now, no one is sick. Our happiness is complete because our kids can go to school clean and on time. The fathers come to draw water so the kids can go to school. More boys would go to school than girls. The girls suffered because they had to walk a long distance for water. Now the girls can go to school equally with the boys. Before the well, there was 40% of boys in school and 30% girls. Now both boys and girls are 90%.”

Patrice Offman, water committee: “Our husbands would beat us a couple of times a week. We were suspected of extra-marital affairs. Now we are not beaten anymore. We can bathe two or three times a day. We can get 6, 5, 4, 10 buckets a day depending on family size.”


2022 Photos

Map Location