Dedication: Donald Blaser
Installation Date: May 30, 2024
Village: Makundika 2
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 64
Water committee: 4 men and 6 women
The women are so happy to be elected to this position of leadership.
“We were drawing water from a shallow well. We could only get one bucket of water a day because we would leave in the morning and come back in the evening. We had to wait in a long line. We would fight every day at our place in line. Mavis would win.
Buckets per day NOW:
Mavis Joseph – 8
Ellen John – 6
Other committee members:
- 6
- 7
- 8
We make gardens of maize, okra, tomato. It’s helping because they don’t have to go to the market but instead make their own relish. We have time to work on our gardens. The men take care of the gardens. They also have time for businesses. Some of the ladies sell fish and tomatoes.
We would get up at 2 am and walk and wait. Then our husbands would beat us. Our marriages weren’t stable back then, but now our marriages are strong. We have time with our husbands.
Cholera was a big problem. They all knew people who had died from water borne disease.
They would go to the clinic every week. It would cost MK 10,000 to go to the clinic. Medicine was purchased from a government clinic. They spent money reserved for business to be used on medicine. They now have extra money to buy food during a famine. That was wasted on frequent trips to the clinic. They never go now. We are in good health. Palibe water borne illness.
Rafael went twice a week to the clinic and now he can’t remember the last time he went.
Rafael (vice chair) – “ My kids were going to school but not often, but now they regularly go. Right now with the coming of the borehole you won’t find one child at home.”
Ruth: 8 year old girl
- She loves to learn chichewa
- She wants to be a soldier
- She loves playing
- She is in standard 2
Sylvia: 14 year old girl
- She loves to learn Chichewa and English
- She wants to be a doctor
- She loves helping out around her house
- She is in standard 3