Dedication: Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation in honor of Eileen T. Kelly

Installation Date: February 23, 2024

Village: Magomero
District: Machinga
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Students: 130 learners

The school, which opened in January 2024, started with 115 learners. In just six months, enrollment has grown to 130 learners. Prior to the water well installation, the school faced significant challenges due to the lack of clean water.

According to Head Teacher Bassy Malanga, before the well’s arrival:

  • Water had to be fetched 5 kilometers away, often by children, which disrupted classes and affected academic performance.
  • Parents were responsible for bringing buckets of water, but sometimes they forgot, leaving the school without water.
  • Teachers were forced to send students to fetch water, further reducing learning time.
  • The school struggled with hygiene, as students were unable to wash their hands or maintain clean toilets.

Since the well’s installation, these challenges have been resolved:

  • The school now has access to clean water on demand, enabling better hygiene and restoring class schedules.
  • Students and teachers no longer need to worry about fetching water, which has improved academic focus and performance.
  • The well benefits not only the school but also 15 nearby households.

Yeni Andiwochi, a community member, shared the previous struggles of fetching water from an unsafe shallow well by the river, where animals also drank. The unsafe water caused waterborne diseases that affected families and caused children to miss school. Now, with clean water available, Yeni visits the well up to four times a day for cleaning, washing, and bathing her children. She confirmed that waterborne diseases have been eradicated.

A committee of 10 members (4 men and 6 women) oversees the management of the well. As Davis remarked, “Power to the women!”

The Brian and Joelle Kelly Family Foundation continues to partner with Water Wells for Africa to bring development through clean water. The impact of this well has been transformative, highlighting the profound truth that “Where there’s water, there’s development.”



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