Dedication: Paul Ilger
Installation Date: August 22, 2022
Village: Kela Paliyani
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi
Families: 35
Committee: 6 women, 4 men
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories/ Quotes:
Committee member Dixon Jylos: “First, our kids were late for school and sent back home. Our women were late from the water point. Now we can work together on the farm. There was no cholera in the epidemic. Diarrhea is “palibe” (=no more). We are so happy. We can’t even express our gratitude. Women can take care of household chores. We don’t beat our wives anymore for suspicion of extramarital affairs.”
Committee women: “We used to go at 3:00 am to get water. We would meet hyenas on the way and drop our water. Now we have peace. We have peace and joy in the family. On average, we went to the clinic two or three times a month. Now we only go for malaria. We save money on transport and medicine. We buy food, soap and pay school fees. Our girls and boys go to school 100%. Zikomo Kwambiri (thank you very much).”
Awema Mvula is 82 years old and has clean water for the first time.