Dedication: Mandy and Chad Harris

Installation Date: June 6, 2022

Village: Katole Chatayika
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.


Families: 80 + 5 villages

Zione Patice, Secretary of the water committee “I was born here. This is the first borehole in the area. My parents came here over 40 years ago. The nearest borehole was at a school two hours away going and coming. I used to get one bucket, now I get five buckets. I am able to do laundry and household chores and work on the garden.”

Rebeccah Lingson:  H20 member Rebeccah lives an hour away by foot. There are 20 families without water. “I will make bricks and a vegetable garden.”

Chief Chataika: Chief Shadrach Justin Chataika is the 3rd chief in his family. His Mang’anja family came here over 90 years ago from Bangula. “I been chief for 11 years. I was elected chief by my family. I am so happy to have a borehole in our village. Our area development committee has gone to ask for help at least ten times. They ask for money, but even if we sell everything as far as the traditional authority, we can’t afford it.”

Laston Mayere: member who has lived here for 25 years; “It is a great blessing. Our children are no longer late for school.”


2022 Photos

Map Location