Dedication: Sharon Leal

Installation Date: March 21, 2024

Village: Kandeu 2
District: Salima
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories / Quotes:

Families: 30
Water committee: 4 men and 6 women

Before the well, water was a constant struggle. The chief solemnly shared, “We’ve been without reliable water since I was born.” Women and children would hunt for hours each day, sometimes late into the night, searching for water to carry home. Their closest water source was 3 kilometers away—a stream that often dried up, leaving the community desperate. In 2022, two lives were lost to cholera, and the local clinic, a kilometer away, saw frequent visits due to waterborne diseases. The strain took a toll on health, education, and family life.

Now, everything is changing. With the well, disease is declining, and families are thriving. They have started gardening and even created a community garden, turning free time into sustainable progress. School attendance has risen, and grades are improving as children stay in the classroom instead of searching for water. Families are happier, relationships are stronger, and there’s even been a “baby boom” as the well brings new hope and stability. What was once a daily struggle has become a foundation for growth and joy.



Map Location