Dedication: Clean Water is a Human Right
Installation Date: June 5, 2024
Village: Kamdolozi
District: Salima
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 150
Water committee: 5 men and 5 women
Before the well, life for the 10 villages relying on this water source was grueling and filled with challenges. They had no well and depended on a dirty stream that required an hour-round trip to fetch water. Cholera was a devastating problem, claiming a life in 2001. Frequent illnesses forced many to make the long and arduous 50-kilometer journey to the clinic. School attendance was low, with only 50 girls and 30 boys enrolled, as children often spent their days collecting water instead of learning.
Now, with the well in place, the transformation is evident. Families are healthier, and cholera has been eradicated. The villagers are using their free time to work for extra income to maintain the well and cultivate thriving gardens. The impact on education has been remarkable, with school attendance doubling to 100 girls and 50 boys. This well has brought not only clean water but also new opportunities and hope to the community.