Dedication: Dean Gray, Joshua Jenkins, and Students at Norwalk High School
Installation Date: August 27, 2022
Village: Kaliyati 3
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi
Families: 29 have lived here since 1991
Committee: 6 women, 4 men
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Vice chair, Elena Kefa: “We are so happy to have water close by. No cholera epidemic affected us here. No diarrhea, palibe. We were drinking water with monkeys. We are living freely. We woke up at 3:00 am to get water. We would fight every day. Now there is peace. Our husbands beat us. Now there is peace. Our children go to school on time every day.”
Kurt Dahlin asked 4 members of the water committee: How many children do you have? How many children went to school before the borehole (BBH) and how many go to school after the installation of the borehole (ABH).
Kids Before the borehole: BBH After the borehole: ABH
- Kids 4 only 2 BBH 4ABH
- Kids 2 only 0BBH 2ABH
- Kids 4 only 2BBH 4ABH
- Kids 3 only 1 BBH 3ABH