Dedication: In Memory of Hugh McFadden
Installation Date: March 19, 2024
Village: Jordan
District: Salima
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 113
Water committee: 5 men and 5 women
Before the well, the community struggled without a reliable water source for a long time. They relied on a dirty stream, which caused widespread health issues, including cholera and diarrhea. In 2023, two people tragically died from cholera. Frequent trips to the clinic, located 14 kilometers away, were necessary for treating these illnesses, further burdening families. The lack of clean water also meant that children, especially girls, often stayed home to help with water collection instead of attending school.
Now, the well has transformed their lives. Cholera and diarrhea are no longer a threat. With clean water readily available, they have been able to establish community gardens, construct homes with bricks, and assist the elderly in their village. School attendance has increased significantly, with more girls now able to attend classes. Improved attendance has also led to better grades, giving children the opportunity for a brighter future. The well has brought health, productivity, and hope to the community.