Dedication: Shelby Maloney

Installation Date: August 21, 2022

Village: Chipungu Beula
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

Families: 65
Committee: 5 women, 5 men

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Stories/ Quotes:

Mary Iwen: “We would get two or three buckets a day. Now we can get water at any time, even at night. We used to wake up at 4:00 am and wait our turn. Water would come slowly. We would fight each other almost daily and break buckets. Now there is peace. Now the families are happy. We have time to cook and the food tastes better. No (palibe) diarrhea! Every month someone was sick and we would go to the clinic. Now, we save MK 5-10,000 a month. Before the borehole was installed only: 45% of Boys, and 40% of Girls 40% went to school. After the borehole both boys and girls are 99% going to school on time.”


2022 Photos

Map Location