Dedication: Ethan Galstad and Nagios Enterprises

Installation Date: May 21, 2022

Village: Chilembwe
District: Mangochi
Country: Malawi

GPS Location:  See bottom of page.


Families: 30 + 2 other villages
Water Committee: Margaret Thomas, chairwoman – 37 years without clean water.

Margaret Thomas, “Life has been a struggle. The women were doing the field work on our farms because the men went to get water on their bikes. It caused family problems. Now, we have time to sleep. Now we can let the sun rise. We can come to get water and go back to take a nap. We women are making business plans to grow vegetables and make donuts to sell. We have time to go to Bwange Trading Center to buy vegetables to sell here in Chilembwe. We were always sick and the children got sick and missed school. The young girls and even boys were late for school. Now we can bathe three times a day: morning, noon and night! This water is good for cooking.”


2022 Photos

Map Location