Dedication: Reid and Jen Powell
Installation Date: August 5, 2024
Village: Bisinawo
District: Chikwawa
Country: Malawi
GPS Location: See bottom of page.
Stories / Quotes:
Families: 23
Water committee: 4 men and 6 women
They used to get water from a shallow well by village and a stream downhill from the pastures. This is the first water well in this village. In this village, more than 5 people died from cholera and diarrhea. They used to have to go to the clinic frequently due to waterborne disease. Since the water well, cholera is gone. They haven’t gone to the clinic at all. Hygiene has improved.
In their spare time, they are gardening. The biggest benefits are cleanliness and hygiene. They have healthy babies. School attendance has increased due to better hygiene. Kids are now getting better grades.