February 2, 2015
In regard to the floods that have ravaged Malawi in the last several weeks, the Honorable Esther Mcheka Chilenje MP, First Deputy Speaker of Malawi National Assembly, contacted us at Water Wells for Africa (WWFA) to request our assistance.
She writes:

On behalf of the people of Nsanje North constituency, I write to request for assistance from your organization. Nsanje North Constituency is hardly hit by ongoing floods. It is completely cut off from accessibility. At least 38,000 people are displaced, left homeless and many others dead. People do not have access to clean water. It is on this background that we request you assistance in form of:
– Chlorine
– Water guard
– Mosquito nets
– Various Medical supplies
Esther Mcheka Chilenje
Our Founder and President Kurt Dahlin responded to her plea with assurances that we would do all that we can:
Honorable Madam Chilenje,
I made my first trip to the Warm Heart of Africa in 1994. I have been coming every summer since them with teams of Americans to assist the physical and spiritual development of our adopted nation.
I discovered, on my first trip to Nsanje, that access to clean sustainable water was a primary need. Since that time I have worked to fund the installation of 150 new and rehabilitated boreholes–many in the Nsanje area. Please review our history on our website: Waterwellsforafrica.com.
I have been all over the lower Shire and have many long-time friends from Chikwawa to Marka. So my heart is broken for you and the people of southern Malawi. I have sent some funding to our partners in Blantyre to purchase Waterguard and corn. I am sure you know Isaac Chikonde. He is a good friend and has already been serving in the south. We also work closely with Davis Galero and the leadership in the Malawi Foursquare Church in Blantyre. Our Water Development Officer is Edwin White. Edwin oversees our water projects.
WWFA will continue its 20 year partnership with Malawi and continue do anything we can to help restore hope and life.
Kurt Dahlin
This member of parliament representing the hard-hit district of Nasanje sent back a message of her appreciation which we would like to share here:
Thank you so much for your timely response during this painful and sad moments for my people.
It is my prayer that we have close links for a purpose in working together to help the people of Nsanje a North constituency in the eastern bank [of] Malawi.
Thank you for everything May God bless you.
Please support our efforts to help the residents of Nasanje clean the contaminated water.
$15.00 will provide a family with a month’s supply of water treatment kits!