Dedication:  Siobhan Leahy and Dylan Wiliam

Installation Date: May 24, 2019 

Village: Mwikawa Village
District: Machinga
Country: Malawi


GPS Location:  See bottom of page.

Dedication Video


Pre-Borehole Notes (March 2018)

Mwikawa has 200 households and 4 surrounding villages.  In total, the 4 surrounding villages have households totaling 631.

Difficulties these villagers currently face:

  • School children are going very late to school.
  • Last year, 4 people suffered from cholera and 2 people died of it.  More than 10 people have already experienced diarrhea this year.
  • Due to the long wait at the water source, families have had some problems. 3 families were divorced due to issues pertaining to water as the husbands were suspecting their wives of going out with other men and only pretending that they were getting water.
30 year-old Bertha Champion drawing contaminated water