The Mkhutche well was built in 2001 but recently restored due to flood damage in early 2015. We want to thank Church on the Way Van Nuys for generously providing funding for flood relief and water well restoration across the country of Malawi.

Installation Date: 07/07/2001

Donor Name: Church on the Way Van Nuys

Location: Mkhutche Village, Chididi, Malawi

GPS-16.89954034622016, 35.16381485609262 (see map below)


2015 Photos


The broken well prior to it's 2015 restoration.
The broken well prior to it’s 2015 restoration.


Community members taking part in fixing the borehole.
Community members taking part in fixing the borehole.


Community members standing in expectation as the well nears completion.
Community members standing in expectation as the well nears completion.


Clear water flows from the fixed borehole.
Clear water flows from the fixed borehole.


Relief items distribution team from Malawi. Funded by the generous gift from Church on the Way Van Nuys and other U.S. donors.
Relief items distribution team from Malawi. Funded by the generous gift from Church on the Way Van Nuys and other U.S. donors.


WWFA team member stands by and says a few words to thank the donors, and instruct the community in continued maintenance and care for the borehole.
WWFA team member stands by and says a few words to thank the donors, and instruct the community in continued maintenance and care for the borehole.


A village member receiving metal sheets to repair his home that was damaged in the flood.


The original time stamp from the 2001 construction.
The original time stamp from the 2001 construction.


Well Location: