Dedication: North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church
Installation Date: June 3, 2019
Village: Maonga Village #2
District: Machinga
Country: Malawi
People using this well: 300 families
Quotes from Village:
Mark Miles: vice chief “We are so happy. We were drinking from a hand dug pit by the roadside. This is my first clean water.”
Flora Jafali: “I was born here as were my parents and grandparents. The water tastes good and everyone is so happy. Before, I only got one bucket of water a day. Now I can get 5-7 buckets in one hour. I can wash clothes, dishes, children. I have free time to rest and chat with my friends. We are healthier. Our kids were going to school late. The water was far away so we couldn’t wash our kids. Our kids can come on their own to draw water and wash. There was a parent/teacher meeting to express their appreciation for being on time for school.
GPS Location: See bottom of page.