Khobwe Village, T/A Ngokwe, Machinga
Khobwe has 57 families and is surrounded by 9 other villages with 100 households.
If WWFA can raise the funds to install a water well here, there is a total of 157 households with a population of around 600 that would be expected to benefit from clean sustainable water.
The next borehole is 1.5 kms or almost 1 mile away.
The families of this area face the following issues:
- Most children get diarrhea and this causes class absenteeism. During this rainy season alone, there have been 40 waterborne diarrhea cases.
- During the dry season, they spend around 6 hours waiting for water and this makes women miss some community developmental works.
- They have killed several snakes at the water well.
- Waiting at the water hole plus the far distance to the school makes it impossible for young girls to attend school.
- 2 people did die approximately two years ago, due to diarrhea.