Today in recognition of #WorldWaterWeek, we’re celebrating this WWFA water well which was placed in Lita village. Their neighbors in the villages of Juma and Loro also use this well.
WWFA drilled 45 meters deep to strike water and it’s been flowing generously for almost a year now. Our wells have been proven to last twenty years and are still going, so we expect this one to do the same.
This is a beautiful picture of a beneficiary getting water from this well generously placed by WWFA supporters. “Beneficiary” is what our local Malawi WWFA Team calls people who receive water wells. :-)
This 28-year-old lady, Mary Patrick, used to walk long distance in search water—one hour walking each way! This took valuable time away from daily house chores and parenting.
Another story is of a 60-year-old man, Maxwell Makina, who said that in the past, men used to go into the gardens very late in the day because they were waiting for the water arrive (from the women who retrieved it from far away). Now they have high crop yields because they have more time, and this is reducing poverty.
You can see that this garden in Lita village is enjoying some moisture from “spilled water.” This is the excess water that comes out of the pump and runs down the concrete runoff forming a small pond. People scoop up that water—so it is not wasted—and pour it on their crops.
A huge THANK YOU goes to every single supporter of WWFA for helping improve these people’s lives. With the convenience of accessible clean water comes gardens full of healthy food and water that does not make people sick.
Would you like to join in and help install water wells for people in need? Great! Please click this link to donate today. Thank you!